Basepair  provides  a  user-friendly  suite  of  bioinformatics  pipelines  that  allow  for  detailed  analysis  of  Next-
Generation Sequencing (NGS) data. Industry-standard publicly available tools are streamlined to process raw fastq
data from a variety of genomic assays including bulk and single-cell RNA-seq, WGS, WES/panel, ATAC-seq,
CUT&RUN, CUT&TAG, ChIP-seq, metagenomics and more!

To log into your Basepair account, go to our login page here and type in your username and password.

If you need to create a Basepair account, click the Sign up button

Basepair organizes your samples and analyses into projects, allowing you to create and edit projects as needed:

Opening a project makes it your current active project, this is where any new samples and analyses will be created.

Here, the "RNA-seq" project has been opened and summary statistics on both the samples and analyses are provided from the project dashboard:

The menu bar at the top of the page allows you to quickly and easily browse your samples, analyses, and projects using the drop-downs. When you first log in to your account, we will automatically create your first project for you, called "Project 1" - feel free to change the name using the "Edit" button on the right side:

Once you have setup your project, the next step is to add samples to it.

Last updated: March 13, 2023