Error Description

You received this error because aligning your reads resulted in no uniquely aligned reads.

There could be a variety of causes and solutions for this:

  1. You could have selected the wrong species to map your data against.
  2. Your sample was contaminated by another organism.
  3. The data quality could have been poor from either poor DNA/RNA quality or from poor sequencing.


Here are various solutions that can either resolve your issue or at least help you better understand it:

Solution 1 - double check your sample's species

Follow these steps to check your sample's genome and change it if you need:

  • From the Basepair dashboard, click on "Samples" button on the top left of your screen. 
  • Click on your sample. You should see the "Genome" field as shown in the red square in the picture below.

  • If the genome does not look correct, you can change it. Click on the "Edit" button on the top left of your screen.
  • From the dropdown menu you can change the genome (shown in the red box in the picture below). Then click "Save".

Solution 2 - contact us

If you still cannot resolve your issue, please don't hesitate to contact us by either: